Norbury Manor Primary School

Attendance Poster Competition

During November, we held a poster competition for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

The children were asked to design a poster outlining the importance of good attendance and good punctuality.

We were inundated with entries, all of which were up to a really high standard.

The children came up with some really informative posters, with very powerful messages about the importance of coming to school regularly:

‘Being on time helps me organise things and gain confidence’

‘Missing school leads you to fall behind in your work and leads to poor behaviour’

‘Not attending school regularly can affect a child’s social life and friendship’

‘If you attend school regularly you can get good results’

‘Come to school every day so that you can see your friends, work hard and have fun with your friends!’

Miss Sue and Miss Molly were given the task of picking 12 winners from all the entries. This was a very difficult task as all the entries were so good!

Finally after much deliberation, they picked the winners and on Wednesday 16th November, the winners went to the cinema to watch ‘Frozen’.

It was a fantastic morning out and the children really enjoyed the film.

Thank you to all the children who took part in the competition, look out for the posters all around school, they were all so good that we have decided to display them all.

